Enhance Facial Features With Cosmetic Injectables
Injectables target the visible signs of aging
Cosmetic injectables are a popular treatment for both men and women, used to rejuvenate, enhance certain facial features and target visible ageing. There are a variety of cosmetic injectables available, for different concerns and results.
Our Cosmetic Injectables are the gold standard in anti-wrinkle injections
Anti-wrinkle injections are used to limit the muscle movement of a muscle creating wrinkles. For example, consistently frowning often creates a deep crease (sometimes two) in between the brows.
Limiting the muscle movement without providing a ‘frozen look’ will gradually rid the lines and prevent them from returning with continued treatments. This treatment can also be used to achieve specific aesthetics such as facial slimming for a more refined face shape and lifting the brows to give a more youthful look.
The results of anti-wrinkle injections are seen within two weeks and then last several months. The longevity of the results can vary slightly per person and depend on the specific area being treated.

Gold Standard In Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Anti-wrinkle injections are used to limit the muscle movement of a muscle creating wrinkles. For example, consistently frowning often creates a deep crease (sometimes two) in between the brows.
Limiting the muscle movement without providing a ‘frozen look’ will gradually rid the lines and prevent them from returning with continued treatments. This treatment can also be used to achieve specific aesthetics such as facial slimming for a more refined face shape and lifting the brows to give a more youthful look.
The results of anti-wrinkle injections are seen within two weeks and then last several months. The longevity of the results can vary slightly per person and depend on the specific area being treated.
Treatment areas for anti-wrinkle injections:
- Frown lines
- Horizontal forehead lines
- Crow’s feet
- Brow lift
- Downturned corners of the mouth
- Vertical lines on the upper lip (‘smokers lines’)
- Facial slimming
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Migraines
- Upturned chin

An anti-wrinkle injection appointment can be as quick as 10 minutes or take up to 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. It is a quick appointment for most patients.
What happens during my treatment?
After assessing the area that you want to target, one of our cosmetic physicians and nurses will inject the area. There are a few quick ‘pin pricks’ and then the treatment is over. There is no numbing required.
Dermal Fillers Add Volume To Your Appearance
There are a few different types of dermal fillers used for different skin types, areas of the face and concerns. One of our cosmetic physicians and nurses will assess your concerns and be able to advise you which filler is best suited to you and provide you with your tailored treatment plan.
Dermal filler results are immediate – with mild swelling subsiding within a few days. The results then last several months, generally from 6 to 12 months.
Treatment areas for Dermal Fillers:
Enhancing cheeks, chin, jawline - Thin lips
- Lip asymmetry
- Reduce static lines in the lower face (‘smile lines’/nasolabial folds)
- Chin crease
- Hollow under eyes/tear troughs
- Balancing of facial features/facial restoration
- Acne scars
- Nose contouring

How long does the appointment take?
Most dermal filler appointments take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
What happens during my treatment?
Either Dr Campey or Nurse Marian will numb the area (if required) with topical or local anaesthetic. The dermal filler will then be injected to the area; you are able to discuss your immediate results and work with your injector to achieve your desired result.
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP)
PRP is a specialised treatment used to brighten and improve the integrity of the skin. This treatment is often used for dull under eyes with skin laxity to tighten and rejuvenate the area. PRP can also be performed on the full face, neck and decolletage.
PRP harnesses our own body’s healing ability by taking our blood, separating the red blood cells from the plasma and injecting the plasma (often referred to as ‘liquid gold’) back into the skin. The plasma stimulates collagen and new skin cells to create tighter, healthier skin.
Treatment areas for PRP:
- Dull/dark under eyes
- Skin laxity of the under eyes
- Crepey under eyes
- Dull skin tone
- Mild skin laxity of the full face
- Crepey skin and fine lines on the neck
- Fine lines on the decolletage

What happens before my treatment?
First, you will have a consultation with one of our cosmetic physician or nurse to assess your suitability.
What happens during my PRP session?
Once you and our cosmetic physicians or nurses decide to proceed with treatment, we will use a topical anaesthetic to numb the area being treated. Blood will then be drawn from you, and the vial will be placed in the centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the plasma. Once this process is finished, our cosmetic physician or nurse will inject the plasma into the target area. The total appointment takes approximately one hour.
How many sessions of PRP do I need?
Generally, between one and three sessions are recommended for optimal results. These are 4 to 6 weeks apart. Your results last for 6 to 12 months.
Lip Fillers For Full Looking Lips
Lip filler or lip augmentation is one of the most popular treatments as plump lips are often associated with youth. Lip filler is of course used to plump the lips, increasing the size but it is often used to focus on balancing lip proportions.
Dermal filler results are immediate – with mild swelling subsiding within a few days. The results last several months, generally from 6 to 12 months.
Are lip filler injections painful?
We numb the lips prior to treatment to make it very comfortable.
How long do lip fillers last?
Lip filler generally lasts 4 to 8 months on average. Again, this can vary per individual.
Can lip fillers look natural?
Absolutely! Our injectors are able to provide a natural appearance with lip filler due to the technique used and years of experience with this treatment